The fontdiff perl utility

Here is an example:

d:\tex\dvii>fontdiff.cmd a b
perl D:\scripts\ a b
Fonts in a.dvi NOT in b.dvi:

Fonts in b.dvi NOT in a.dvi:

Fonts in common that have DIFFERENT checksums:
There are a variety of options: 0.02 (23 September 2001)
USAGE: fontdiff [options] dvi_file1 dvi_file2

-c : ignore checksum when finding font differences
-C : do NOT ignore checksum when finding font differences (DEFAULT)
-n : ignore font number when finding font differences (DEFAULT)
-N : do NOT ignore font number when finding font differences
-s : ignore font scaling when finding font differences
-S : do NOT ignore font scaling when finding font differences
-l : list fonts for each file

Note: if -c is chosen, the checksum difference table will not appear.
Thus, 'fontdiff' (with no options) is equivalent to 'fontdff -C -n -S'