Running dvii
on test.dvi
(derived from test.tex)
yields the following output:
Display summary:
dvii -u test.dvi File size: 1496 bytes (1 K) Comment string: TeX output 1999.10.14:2116 Page count: 6 Number of fonts: 3
Display full information:
dvii test.dvi File size: 1496 bytes (1 K) Comment string: TeX output 1999.10.14:2116 Page count: 6 Number of fonts: 3 f:[50/cmr10/1200]::4bf16079 f:[23/cmbx10/1000]::1af22256 f:[0/cmr10/1000]::4bf16079 p:[1/1] p:[2/2] p:[3/3] p:[4/4] p:[5/-1] p:[6/-2] s:[2/2]:: A short special s:[3/3]:: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567893.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 s:[4/4]:: PSfile 1.eps s:[4/4]:: PSfile 2.eps s:[4/4]:: PSfile 3.EPS s:[4/4]:: PSfile dog1.gif s:[4/4]:: PSfile cat.eps s:[6/-2]:: Some control characters: [^A^B^C^D] f:[50/cmr10/1200] f:[23/cmbx10/1000] f:[0/cmr10/1000]
Do a rigorous validity check:
dvii -C test.dvi dvi file 'test.dvi' passed validation check (level 1).
Print a help screen
dvii This is dvii 0.40 (DVI file information) by Adam Lewenberg Send bug reports to dvii -h (Print help screen) dvii dvifile (Print dvi information) dvii [many possible options] dvifile ------------------------------------------- -H : show complete list of options -h : show this help screen -u : display dvi summary -p : display dvi pages in [real page/TeX page] format -s : display dvi specials -f : display fonts -c : dvi validity check -C : more rigorous validity check (for more options, type 'dvii -H') Note: 'dvii filename' is equivalent to 'dvii -u -p -s -f -c filename' Output format: 'f:[#/name/mag/checksum]' -> font '#' with 'name' scaled at 'mag' 'p:[real page/TeX page]' -> 'real page' has \count0 = 'TeX page' 's:[real page/TeX page]::text' -> special on 'real page'/'TeX page' with
List fonts on a per page basis
dvii -F test f:[50/cmr10/1200]::4bf16079 f:[23/cmbx10/1000]::1af22256 f:[0/cmr10/1000]::4bf16079 p:[1/1] start of font list Font [0/cmr10/1000] end of font list p:[2/2] start of font list Font [0/cmr10/1000] end of font list p:[3/3] start of font list Font [0/cmr10/1000] Font [23/cmbx10/1000] end of font list p:[4/4] start of font list Font [0/cmr10/1000] end of font list p:[5/-1] start of font list Font [0/cmr10/1000] Font [50/cmr10/1200] end of font list p:[6/-3] start of font list Font [0/cmr10/1000] end of font list