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Useful TeX/LaTeX utilities

  • The free dvii utility extracts information from a TeX dvi file. Information displayed can include a summary (file comment, file size, number of pages, number of fonts), as well as more detailed information such as font names for all fonts used, a list of all \specials and the page on which they appear.
  • The utility is a Perl script that archives all the files in a TeX/LaTeX project including all TeX source, style and class files, all fonts (tfm, pfa, pfb, pk, etc.), and so on. If you need a reliable image of what files went into compiling a TeX/LaTeX project, get this free utility.
  • If you are trying to decide on a book to help you learn more TeX or LaTeX, please visit my recommended TeX and LaTeX printed resources page. In it I give short reviews of several books and printed resources (some freely downloadable) that have helped me in my TeXing through the years.
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