Book indexing service
If your electronic files have not been marked up for indexing we can
help create an index in several ways.
- 1. We tag the electronic files
Cost: 0.30 cents per page reference
We require a clean copy of the manuscript marked up by the
author, that is, each index entry should be highlighted with
a highlighter or some other clear indication. Note by "each
index entry" this means that if there are 13 page references for the
index entry "Euclid", then all 13 places place in the manuscript that
the author wishes to index under "EUCLID" must be marked. Merely
marking the first entry is not sufficient. Note that these 13
highlightings count as 13 page references.
- 2. We use an "auto-indexer" to generate an index using a list of
author-supplied keywords
Cost: 0.30 cents per keyword
We require an electronic text file in ASCII format containing the
phrases to be indexed, one phrase per line.
While this is much cheaper than option 1 (the price based only on the
number of keywords) it is not recommended since an automated system
merely makes a page reference for every occurence of the keyword
without regard to context or meaning. This method is better suited to
name indices.
- 3. The author supplies a file with the index entries AND page
Cost: FREE
If you choose this method, then the author must wait
until we have finished all page layout and there are
no more changes. If the author has finished the index file and there
are any page break changes, then the author must
COMPLETELY re-do the index. This can make for grumpy
authors, so unless there is not other choice we do not recommend this
choice. Furthermore, for future editions using this method means that
the index will have to be redone all over again, whereas tagging the
files as in method 1 removes the need to redo the index.